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Suad Nofal commented on Podcasts as a Multimodal Learning Tool in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
This article presents a compelling case for using podcasts as a multimodal learning tool, effectively highlighting how integrating audio elements into education can enhance student engagement and comprehension. The breakdown of key aspects...More
Suad Nofal commented on Embracing Multiliteracies: Strategies for Teaching Education Sciences in Multilingual Kazakhstani Classrooms in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
This article presents a well-structured and insightful discussion on the role of multiliteracies in multilingual Kazakhstani classrooms, particularly in the field of Education Sciences. The emphasis on Mary Kalantzis and Bill Cope's Pedagogy of...More
Suad Nofal posted an update in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
Forsa A Multimodal Platform for Learning, Growth, and Opportunities
Forsa , Forsa means “opportunity” in Arabic language. Is an important platform that plays a major role in skill-building, scholarships, and learning opportunities for students and young professionals in the Arab world. The...More
Suad Nofal commented on Section 8.1: Introduction in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
Thank you, very informative online course!
Suad Nofal commented on Section 8.2: Multimodal Meaning and Synaesthesia in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
In the era of digital media, meaning is no longer confined to written or spoken words; it emerges from a rich interplay of multiple modes, including visuals, sounds, gestures, spatial arrangements, and interactive elements. This multimodal approach...More
Suad Nofal posted an update in Multimodal Literacies MOOC…
The Power of Multimodal Communication in Storytelling and Learning
In the digital age, communication has evolved far beyond traditional text-based literacy. Multimodal communication, the integration of text, images, audio, video, and interactive media plays a crucial role in shaping how individuals consume and conv...More
This article offers a thoughtful and insightful comparison of academic writing approaches in Kazakhstan and the U.S., effectively highlighting the evolution from rigid, grammar-based instruction to a more dynamic, process-oriented model. The...More