Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates
Intelligence is the application of knowledge.
Intelligence is the application of knowledge.
Hanny Savitri commented on an update New Opportunities for Assessment in the Digital Age (Admin Update 4).
Hanny Savitri joined the community.
Kharisma Putri Kurniawan commented on an update Standards-Based and Alternative Practices of Assessment (Admin Update 3).
Cindy Putri Annisa commented on an update Intelligence Tests: The First Modern Assessments (Admin Update 1).
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Rifki Ariyanto joined the community.
Diadem Antonette Pescador
here are several philosophers who founded about how intelligence can be assess, as what the raise question about the differences between testing intelligence and testing knowledge in my own opinion when we say testing intelligence based from what Goddard's statement on IQ testing intelligence refers to the innate or inborn Intelligence of an individual. These might be the knowledge came from the genes which an individual inherit from both parents while the other one testing knowledge is an assessment where we measure the individual's intelligence based on what the person acquired/ learned and develop in a span period of time. It can be assess by giving such test as an assessment tool or certain rubrics. I also agree on what @Naomi Solano statement about the differences between this type of testing.
In the since on when it might each approach will be appropriate or inappropriate? my simple answer is this when you what to know the IQ level of an individual it is appropriate to use the testing of intelligence just like Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (WAIS) as can be seen on ( where in you will answer 40 sets of questions and after answering it there will be a score with a correspondent level of IQ that you have. while if you just want to know the level of knowledge does an individual have then it is appropriate to do the testing knowledge approach. The tools that can be use are the summative test or object type of examination on which after the individual answers the test the results of the exam will be measured based on how much he/she acquired in a span of period of learning time given
Here, the distinction between intellect and knowledge is crucial. The collection of abilities and information that someone has gained via experience is referred to as knowledge. The capacity to put knowledge to use is intelligence. Someone can still use their intelligence to help solve problems even if they are not experts in a given field.
Here, the distinction between intellect and knowledge is crucial. The collection of abilities and information that someone has gained via experience is referred to as knowledge. The capacity to put knowledge to use is intelligence. Someone can still use their intelligence to help solve problems even if they are not experts in a given field.