Communication and Media Studies
The Journal of Communication and Media Studies offers an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of the role of the media and communications in society. The journal explores everyday experiences of media cultures, the forms and effects of technologies of media and communications, and the dynamics of media business. It also addresses media literacies, including capacities to “read” and “use” the media, and the role of media as a key component in formal and informal learning. Contributions to the journal range from broad, theoretical conceptualizations of media to detailed empirical examinations and case studies of media practices. The Journal of Communication and Media Studies is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal using a two-way anonymous peer review model. Reviewers are active participants of the Communication and Media Studies Research Network or a thematically related Research Network. The publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors all agree upon the following standards of expected ethical behavior, which are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Core Practices. For more information:
Still the Water
Cedric van Eenoo
The Ninth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies Conference Proceedings
Eric Freedman
Jesús Miguel Flores Vivar
Manufacturing Concern
José Carlos del Ama
From Television to Social Media
Federica Ruggiero
Exploring the World of Social Media–Addicted Youth
Joshua O. Bondesto Joshua
Bay-ar C. Villamor
Maico Demi Aperocho
Class and Media in Critical Theory
Abigail Qian Zhou
The New Pravda
Ed Lindoo
Trustworthy AI
Aileen Macalintal