The Image
The International Journal of the Image interrogates the nature of the image and functions of image-making. This cross-disciplinary journal brings together researchers, theoreticians, practitioners, and teachers from areas of interest including: architecture, art, cognitive science, communications, computer science, cultural studies, design, education, film studies, history, linguistics, management, marketing, media studies, museum studies, philosophy, photography, psychology, religious studies, semiotics, and more. The International Journal of the Image is peer-reviewed, supported by rigorous processes of criterion-referenced article ranking and qualitative commentary, ensuring that only intellectual work of the greatest substance and highest significance is published. For more information:
Layers Become Scenes
Saidja Heynickx
Fifteenth International Conference on The Image Conference Proceedings
Ana Sedeño-Valdellos
Cátia Rijo
Reimagining Space, Time, and Belonging
Clive Barstow
Perceptual Image of Sound
Gregorio De Gregoris
Deconstructing Hypertruth
Essien Oku Essien
The Masters’ Viewfinders
David Vanden Bossche
Sak Yant as a Cross-Cultural Practice
Maja Tabea Jerrentrup
What is Real in the Metaverse?
Andreas Schelske