Good Governance as a Determinant of Health Promotion

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This research article examines the importance of good governance in health promotion, drawing lessons from the Ottawa Charter. It also discusses the challenges of implementing good governance and the lessons that can be learned. The study adopted a mixed methods methodology based on a case study research design with a population consisting of hospital health staff who were selected using simple and deliberate random sampling techniques. This case study is presented to illustrate the successful implementation of good governance in health promotion and the lessons learned from failed governance initiatives. Our research shows that effective collaboration and communication between different health sectors is almost non-existent, and this hinders health promotion for patients. It is therefore important to propose strategies for implementing good governance to ensure health promotion, including policy development and implementation, strengthening accountability mechanisms and building capacity and leadership. The article concludes with recommendations for future practice. For this to happen, political efforts and support programs are needed at the national level. This involves, in particular, benevolent training policies and programs to mobilize medical staff.