Health Scandalization and Exclusionary Politics

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This article addresses a critical gap in the existing literature in regard to vaccine controversies, extending beyond mainstream health communication to analyze them as scandals that intertwine with exclusionary politics in news coverage. Focused on the Dengvaxia vaccine controversy in the Philippines, this study employs a comprehensive approach, examining how local newspaper websites shape the vaccine scandal discourse through a careful analysis of forty online news reports. Through content and transitivity analyses, the study uncovers a prevalent use of verbal and material processes, with Attorney Persida Rueda-Acosta emerging as a central figure. What sets the Dengvaxia scandal apart is its departure from traditional science–based vaccine disputes, as it spotlights Acosta’s role as a spokesperson for purportedly affected children, thereby contributing to the scandal’s narrative in exclusionary terms. This research illuminates the intricate interplay between media representation, political dynamics, and public health issues, offering valuable insights into the complexities of vaccine controversies within contemporary societies.