Physical Education Courses in Higher Education

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In Brazil, only individuals who have the higher education degree in Physical Education and register with the Federal Council of Physical Education have permission to work on the sports, physical education, and fitness areas. In higher education, the coordinator of the course is responsible for pedagogic projects and curriculum, which should include general and specific cognizance, based on scientific knowledge. This study aims to analyze the profile of the coordinators of Physical Education courses in higher education institutions in Brazil. The method used was documentary research and content analysis of legislation and official documents of the federal government. Information from 288 coordinators and 318 institutions was analyzed. We found the educational degrees held by coordinators included 12.8 percent with specialists, 62.8 percent masters, 21.1 percent doctors, and 2.7 percent postdoctoral level. Concerning experience in the position, 56.1 percent worked as coordinators less than three years and 49.7 percent had no previous expertise in this position. The results suggest some incompatibility between course coordinators’ profile and the characteristics needed for the development of appropriate and academically grounded pedagogical projects. This dissonance may influence the education of the future generation of professionals in Physical Education and Sports. Financial Support: Grant 2015/17100-3, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).