Premium Design Education

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Today, the new “affordable luxury” culture has continuously challenged traditional luxury markets, leading to a broader expansion of the meaning of democratic luxury. To satisfy the massive demand, luxury companies must take new approaches to designing new values to fulfill the need for user satisfaction. New professional figures are emerging in the coming years, driven by the industry-shifting paradigm. Managers and designers integrating the creative world with business will be in great demand in the democratized and mass-accessible luxury world. The university serves as a crucial component of enterprises’ external networks, playing a pivotal role in facilitating the growth and advancement of the sector. Universities should not remain isolated but rather undergo a transformation and reinvention to align with the industry’s changing landscape. This involves updating theoretical knowledge to address practical industrial challenges and equip graduates with the necessary skills and abilities. In this article, the authors describe a collaborative project focusing on the synergy between design and premium business as an example of a solution to strengthening university–industry ties. The authors hope the experiences gained from the case study offer a valuable reference point for fellow researchers and practitioners to better explore design practice in relevant areas.