Design Principles & Practices
ISSN (Print): 2325-1581
ISSN (Online): 2325-159X
Language: English
Frequency: Biannually
Subject Areas: Graphic Design, Photography, Video, Web Design
Lorenzo Imbesi,
Loredana Di Lucchio
Quarterly (2013–2020), Biannually (2021–Present)
The International Journal of Visual Design examines the multifaceted ways images communicate ideas, shape identities, and inspire innovation. Focusing on fields such as graphic design, photography, illustration, film, digital media, and user interface design, the journal illuminates the dynamic interplay between visual elements and human perception. In an environment where multimodality and synesthesia converge, practitioners must navigate evolving tools, interdisciplinary collaborations, and cultural sensibilities to create compelling visual narratives. The journal aims to showcase critical research, conceptual explorations, and practice-based insights into the methods and outcomes of visual design, emphasizing techniques that engage audiences across diverse platforms. At the same time, it addresses questions of accessibility, cultural representation, and ethical dimensions, highlighting design’s power to guide social discourse, influence public opinion, and cultivate inclusive user experiences. The International Journal of Visual Design seeks to redefine the role of visual communication in an ever-evolving global context, fostering new dialogues and collaboration around creativity and social responsibility.
The International Journal of Visual Design is a Hybrid Open Access journal. We offer various pathways to make your research accessible and make accessibility affordable. Please see our Open Access Statement and Journal Author Rights & Permissions support page for more information.
- H-Index: 5 (2023)
- Scopus / SJR: 0.12 (2023)
- Art Source (EBSCO), Computer Science (Cabell's), Genamics, Scopus (Elsevier), Arts & Humanities Full Text (ProQuest), Ulrich's Periodicals Directory