The Learner

The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning

ISSN (Print): 2327-7939
ISSN (Online): 2327-8722
Language: English
Frequency: Biannually
Subject Areas: Child, Education, Practice
Editor(s): William Cope, Mary Kalantzis, José Luis Ortega-Martín

Quarterly (2013–2017), Biannually (2018–Present)

Call for Papers and Rolling Deadlines

We issue a call for papers on a quarterly basis, but authors can submit at any time.

  • Submission Round 1 - 15 January
  • Submission Round 2 - 15 April
  • Submission Round 3 - 15 July
  • Submission Round 4 - 15 October

Rights Agreement Options

The International Journal of Early Childhood Learning  is a Hybrid Open Access journal. Once your article has passed peer review, you’ll be asked to select a Rights Agreement. We offer various pathways to make your research accessible and make accessibility affordable. And whatever option you choose, immediately upon acceptance, authors are permitted to submit the Accepted Manuscript (AM) version of their manuscript with a CC-BY or CC- BY-ND license, if required, to their funding body or institution for inclusion in their funding body or institution's database, archive, or designated repository. This is the version of the paper accepted for publication after changes resulting from peer review, but before editing, formatting, and production of the final PDF by CGRN staff. For more detail refer to our Journal Author Rights & Permissions guide.

All Rights Reserved (+ Green Open Access)

  • Member: Included
  • Non-Member: $250.00 USD

Open Access (CC-BY-NC-ND)

  • Member: $225 USD **
  • Non-Member: $525.00 USD

Gold Open Access (CC-BY)

  • Member: $425.00 USD **
  • Non-Member: $725 USD
* Membership is $200 USD. Membership is also included in all conference Presenter Passes.

** A Member can use their available Points instead of dollars. If your CGScholar Wallet does not contain enough Points, you can pay in dollars to make up the difference.

Submission Guides for Authors

Review the Submission guide for more information on preparing your submission.