Sport & Society

The International Journal of Sport and Society

ISSN (Print): 2152-7857
ISSN (Online): 2152-7865
Language: English
Frequency: Quarterly
Subject Areas: Health Studies, Physical Education, Sport
Editor(s): Jörg Krieger

The International Journal of Sport and Society is a place for the systematic examination of sport’s game logics, body logics, aesthetic logics, and organizational logics. Its discussions explore the psycho-social motivations that frame recreation and leisure, moral meanings of fair play, and at times contradictory forces, including ritualized aggression, transgression of rules, and the challenges of racism, sexism, homophobia, and denigratory nationalism. The journal addresses inclusive approaches to the sporting "body", questions of health and body image, the role of contact and movement, and issues of doping and assistive technologies. Contributors also examine the aesthetics of movement, narratives of competition and collaboration, and the role of media in shaping public representation. These discussions link to broader moral values, educational practices, and civic participation in societies.

The International Journal of Sport and Society is a Hybrid Open Access journal. We offer various pathways to make your research accessible and make accessibility affordable. Please see our Open Access Statement and Journal Author Rights & Permissions support page for more information.


  • H-Index: 3 (2024)
  • Scopus / SJR: 0.2 (2024)
  • Educational Psychology & Administration (Cabell's), Internal A&I SPORTDiscus (EBSCO), Internal FT SportDiscus (EBSCO), The Australian Research Council (ARC), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) (Module) (ProQuest), Scopus (Elsevier)
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