Validating a Model of Continuance Intention in the Use of a L ...

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The intention to continue using learning management systems (LMS) in higher institutions is reported to be still low. Users discontinue using the LMS after initially accepting it. The purpose of the study is to propose and validate the model explaining continuance intention in using the LMS by students at a university of technology in South Africa. Data were collected from 123 humanities and engineering students who use the LMS. To validate the proposed model, the structural equation modeling was used. The results show that satisfaction is a strong predictor of users’ continuance intention to use the new LMS, followed by concentration, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and confirmation. Students’ attitudes have no significant effect on the continuance intention to use the LMS. The findings demonstrate that the integrated model is adequate and enhances understanding of users’ continuance intention to use LMS. The implication is that the integration of expectancy confirmation model, technology acceptance model, and flow theory provides a model with a theoretical basis to explain continuance intention in e-learning. The results add to the existing knowledge pertaining to continuance intention toward the use of the LMS and e-learning.