Pre-Conference Tour to Sun Moon Lake
Not included en registration rate. Book your spot from “Special Events”
Online Welcome Session
The Zoom link will be available in the description
From Passive Reading to Active Learning: Leveraging Annotation Tools in Asynchronous Online Instruction
Rena Rockwell, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, Webster Universtiy, Missouri, United States
Assessing the Impact of Generative AI Integration on Student Learning and Educator Approaches in Higher Education
Jemima Sarfo, Student, Masters, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia, Canada
Michael Lin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia, Canada
Investigating Open-Source Large Language Models in Digital Pedagogies
Saeed Saffari, Student, Master, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
Jeeho Ryoo, Assistant Professor, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Canada
Oscar Lin, Prof., School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada
Michael Lin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia, Canada
Using Digital Pedagogies for Student Engagement and Fostering Equity in Higher Education
Carol Laman, Instructor, Educational Studies, Purdue University Global, Indiana, United States
Project-based Learning in Higher Education Online Courses: A Case Study for Enhancing Rapport and Engagement
Susan Watson, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Multidisciplinary Innovation, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Miranda Williams, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Multidisciplinary Innovation, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Integrating AI tools into HE Curriculum Design: Influence on the Design Process, Student Learning Outcomes, and Perceptions of AI in Creative Practices
Carlo Convertini, Lecturer in Interior Design / Architecture, Architecture, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff [Caerdydd GB-CRD], United Kingdom
Artificial Intelligence through the Looking Glass: Stories and Biases
Lan Dong, Professor, English and Modern Languages, University of Illinois Springfield, Illinois, United States
Travel to Conference Venue (from Conference hotels)
Meeting point: Windsor Hotel Taichung
Efficacy of Simulation Artificial Intelligence in Supporting Student Success
Rivka Molinsky, Associate Dean of Students and Innovation, School of Health Sciences, Touro University, New York, United States
From Passive Consumption to Active Collaboration: Empowering Students through Human-AI Team Learning Models
Hang Yuan, Assistant Professor, Art and Design, University of Southern Indiana, Indiana, United States
Artificial Intelligence and Pedagogical Innovations in Inclusive Education: A Systematic Review
José Manuel Ortiz-Marcos, Assistant Professor, Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Ana Isabel Invernon-Gomez, PDI, Educación, Universidad de Zaragoza, Murcia, Spain
Lina Higueras-Rodríguez, Assistant Professor, Didactics and School Organisation, University of Granada, Spain
Conference Registration and Welcome Coffee
National Changhua University of Education, 1 Jinde Road Changhua City, Taiwan
Conference Opening and Welcome
National Changhua University of Education, 1 Jinde Road Changhua City, Taiwan
Building a Resume with an AI Advantage
Dean Jensen, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems, Elmhurst University, Illinois, United States
AI with Regular and Substantive Interaction: Two Faculty Learning Communities
Andrée Leighton, Faculty/Director, Political Science/Academic Innovation and Creativity, Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles, California, United States
Using AI for the Design of Immersive Learning Games with Twine: Enhancing a Nurse Education Course
Jeffrey Jones, Digital Learning Specialist, Teaching and Learning Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon, United States
Kevin Guevara, Instructional Technologist, Teaching and Learning , New York University, United States
Michael Coriasco, Instructor, School of Nursing, Oregon Health and Science University, United States
Designing a Pedagogically Consistent Rubric for High School Writing and Science: Integrating NGSS, Common Core, and Knowledge Processes
Vania Castro, Student, Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
Raigul Zheldibayeva, Lecturer, Zhetysu University, Kazakhstan
Ana Karina de Oliveira Nascimento, Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Art Education: A Narrative Review
Sheng Kuan Chung, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, Texas, United States
Resistance versus Acceptance of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning: Statement, Ethical Issues and Prospects for Education and Training
Coulibaly Nonlourou Marie Paule, CEO - Professional trainer, T, FACE DEVELOPMENT Consulting, France
Empowering Remote Learning with Hands-On Activities, Personal Instructor Videos, and AI
Melissa Shyan Norwalt, Educator Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Beyond Words: A Guide to Communication and Teaching Redefined with the Dynamic Voice of Artificial Intelligence
Dena Aucoin, Faculty, Professional Studies, Purdue Global, Michigan, United States
Tyler Sorg, Professor, General Education, Purdue University Global, Indiana, United States
Dorothy Williams, Professor, College Social & Behavioral Sciences, Purdue University Global, United States
Reimagining Assessment with AI: Personalized Feedback and Transformative Evaluation
Melissa Stefanko, Lecturer, Education, Saint Xavier University, Illinois, United States
Plenary Session and Discussion with William Cope and Mary Kalantzis
Coffee Break
How to Optimize Gen AI Tools in K-12 Mathematics Classes: An Investigation of K-12 Teachers Embodying ChatGPT 4.0 as a Student's Learning Partner in the U.S.A.
Hsuehi Lo, Associate Professor, Teacher Development, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota, United States
AI and the Future of Education: The New Normal in Education
Greg Evans, Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Maryland Global Campus, Okinawa, Japan
Enhancing Business Writing - Integrating Multimodal Strategies and AI Tools: Exploring the influence on Critical Thinking and Engagement in Business Writing
Ying Huang, Student, Graduate, NKUST National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Exploring Interaction Patterns for Enhancing English Oral Language Skills among Junior High School Students: A Case Study on Bilingual Digital Learning
Siang Wei Chen, Student, Masters, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Vivien Lin, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Children's English, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan
Using Robot-mediated Shared Reading to Facilitate English Learning among Lower-grade Students in Taiwan
Ting Wei Shih, Student, Master's, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Vivien Lin, Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Children's English, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan
Artificial Intelligence In ESL Students’ Writing Anxiety: Unveiling the Impact
Hsieh Ching Ju Carol, Student, Ph.D. Student, National Changhua University of Education, Chunghua, Taiwan
Conference Dinner (Buffet): Gen Zen Teppanyaki Restaurant
Not included en registration rate. Book your spot from “Special Events”
Online Only Talking Circle
The Zoom link will be available in the description
Coffee Break
The Impact of Group Cooperative Learning on the Participation Attitude, Learning Outcomes, and Interaction Method of Blended Teaching
Joni Tzuchen Tang, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology., Taipei, Taiwan
DeJun Mo, 教師, 高年級班導, 台中市立大新國民小學, Taichung, Taiwan
Enhancing Teachers’ Attitudes and Competence in AI-Integrated Instruction: The Interplay of Multiple Workshops and Teaching Experience
Yiju Lin, Student, PhD, Education and Learning Technology at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
AI in Shadow Education: An Experimental Study in Hong Kong Tutorial Centres
Ching Ho Cheng, Student, Master of Education, Hong Kong Adventist College, Hong Kong
From Dissertation to Digital Channel: A Novel Assessment Framework for Enhancing Digital Marketing Education in UK Higher Education
Angela Green, Associate Professor Marketing, Business School, Durham University, United Kingdom
Integrated Internship Programs in Architectural Education: A Collaborative Model for Critical Thinking and Interdisciplinary Learning
I Hsuan Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
AI as Co-trainer: Exploring the Boundaries of Human-AI Pedagogical Collaborations
Francisca Onaolapo Oladipo, Vice-Chancellor, Thomas Adewumi University, Nigeria, Kwara, Nigeria
Narrowing Cultural Gaps in Virtual Exchange: Building Cross-cultural Understandings
Maria Marino, Teaching Professor, Communication, Florida International University, United States
Nurhayat Bilge, Assistant Professor, English and Communication Studies, SUNY- Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, United States
Jessica Delgado, Student, M.S./Communications; PhD student, FIU, Florida, United States
Language Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Practice, Skill Development, and Reflection
Joseph Fees, Associate Professor, Languages and Literatures, Delaware State University, Delaware, United States
Reimagining the Creative Process with a Generative AI Search Methodology : A Pilot with Visual Communication Students
Jeffrey Koh, Lecturer, Media Arts and Design, Singapore Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Transition Break
Analysis of the Role and Efficacy of Google Gemini in Assisting English Essay Writing Process: Cases of High School Students in Taiwan
Yu Shan Sung, Student, Master's Degree, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Evaluating the Performance of the Hugging Chat Assistant as a Grammar Checker for EFL Learners: A Comparison with Grammarly
Hsin Yueh Yang, Student, Master, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Developing the Interactive Game-based Picture Book "Food Ninja" to Enhance Creativity in Elementary School Students
Joni Tzuchen Tang, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
DeJun Mo, 教師, 高年級班導, 台中市立大新國民小學, Taichung, Taiwan
Wen Chun Lan, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
My Best Professor Was an AI Professor : A Reflective Possibility from 2030 students
Donna Duellberg, Program Manager, Voluntary Education, Career Investments Division, Coast Guard, District of Columbia, United States
De Anna Dotson, Attorney, CJA Panel Member - US District Court Hawaii, California, United States
Exploring Enhancing Science Learning with Digital Picture Books
Joni Tzuchen Tang, Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Yan Yu Jau, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Fostering Learners' Agency and Voice: A Case Study of AI-Supported Revision in Second Language Writing
Hisae Matsui, Senior Lecturer, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton University, New Jersey, United States
From Prompts to Presentations: ChatGPT in the EFL Classroom
Shao Hsuan Wu, Student, PhD, NCUE, Taiwan
Leveraging AI Conversations for English Learning: Effects of ChatGPT on TOEIC and Speech Ace Scores in a PBL Setting
Tsukasa Yamanaka, Professor, College of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan
Chiho Toyoshima, Student, Master's Degree, Ritsumeikan University, Japan