Sport & Society
ISSN (Print): 2381-6678
ISSN (Online): 2381-6694
Language: English
Frequency: Quarterly
Subject Areas: Anthropology, Kinesiology, Sociology
Serial Discontinued (2015–2016)
- All (580)
- Sport and Society Conference Proceedings (3)
- Sport & Society Teaching Pocketbook Series (7)
- The International Journal of Sport and Society (431)
- Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identities (29)
- Journal of Sport and Health (21)
- Journal of Sports Pedagogy and Physical Education (28)
- Journal of Sports Management and Commercialization (27)
- Sport and Society Book Imprint (32)
The Influence of Greek Culture and Identity on Sport and Physical Activity Participation
Dianna Yota Lepore
Paul O'Halloran
Maria-Irini Avgoulas
Race Times for Transgender Athletes
Joanna Harper
Re-imagining Definitions of "Communities" in Sport through Online Spaces
Kelsey Smith
Chelsea Litchfield
Jaquelyn Osborne
Interactions of Football Fans
Martin Winands
Field of Battle
Andrew Howe
Bodies in Play
Joanna Neville
Football and Spanish Identities in the Twenty-First Century
Alejandro Quiroga