Sport & Society
- All (580)
- Sport and Society Conference Proceedings (3)
- Sport & Society Teaching Pocketbook Series (7)
- The International Journal of Sport and Society (431)
- Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identities (29)
- Journal of Sport and Health (21)
- Journal of Sports Pedagogy and Physical Education (28)
- Journal of Sports Management and Commercialization (27)
- Sport and Society Book Imprint (32)
The Beautiful Game Reimagined
Livia Goncalves Magalhaes
Tiago J. Fernandes Maranhão
Bernardo Buarque De Hollanda
Celebrating the Super Bowl
Linda K. Fuller
Athletics in the Nordic Countries
Jörg Krieger
Competition, Fairness and Equality in Sport and Society
Verner Moller
Athletes Pressing Charges
Jörg Krieger
Case Studies in Sport Socialisation
Mark Brooke
Critical Perspectives on Gender and Sport
Curtis Fogel