- Pre-Conference 24 Feb 2025
- Day One 25 Feb 2025
- Day Two 26 Feb 2025
- Day Three 27 Feb 2025
Online Only
Sesión de bienvenida online (En directo)
23:00 (Hora de Singapur). El enlace Zoom lo encuentra en la descripción.
Diseño en la sociedad
Identificación de necesidades ergonómicas y accesibilidad para personas con discapacidad visual y auditiva dentro de los museos de arte de la ciudad de Guanajuato: Caso de estudio
Ma. Eugenia Sanchez Ramos, Profesora, Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
Carmen Dolores Barroso García, Universidad de Guanajuato
Nancy Lezo, Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guanajuato., Mexico
Análisis de escenario de la literatura actual sobre pequeños aerogeneradores urbanos: Perspectiva del diseño centrado en el humano
Leire Bereziartua Gonzalez, PDI, Industrial Design, Universidad de Deusto - Facultad de Ingeniería, Spain
Análisis perceptivo del ciudadano en el espacio urbano: Valoración de sus necesidades y exigencias a la hora de definir parámetros y requisitos de diseño en la iluminación exterior
Beatriz Arranz, Associate Professor, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Universidad Politécnica Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Julissa Marina Ormeño Blanco, Student, Architect, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Innovación en el diseño de una ruta de afroturismo en comunidades rurales con Google Maps: Caso de Cruz Pampa - Yapatera
Samanta Hilda Calle Ruiz, professor, faculty of business sciences and tourism, Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Piura, Peru
Formas plurales de diseño
La inteligencia artificial en la práctica del diseño gráfico: Usos y percepciones
Lluc Massaguer, Professor and researcher, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, Fundació Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Rubén Alcaraz Martínez, Professor, Departament de Biblioteconomia, Documentació i Comunicació Audiovisual, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Construir, probar, decidir lo público: Posibilidades del prototipado en el sector público colombiano
María Andrea Luque García, Professor, Design, Universidad de los Andes, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Protocolo LDAP: Una herramienta para la investigación académica de marcas visuales
Leonor Balbuena, Teacher, Department of Advertising, Public Relations, and Audiovisual Communication, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
David Badajoz Dávila, Tenure Track Professor, Advertising, Public Relations and Audivosial Communication, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Diseño de experiencias sociales en los jardines terapéuticos: Valoración para su desarrollo en entornos urbanos
Eliana Castro Silva, Docente, Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Leonor Morales, Estudiante, Diseño industrial, Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Mesa de registro abierta y café de bienvenida
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Edificio F, 2 Piso)
Inauguración del Congreso
Sesión plenaria (en inglés) con Dawn Lim
"Singapore: A Nation of Designers, A Nation by Design"
Espacios y modalidades
Dinámicas de apropiación y transformaciones físicas del espacio público: Evaluando la habitabilidad vecinal
José Manuel Vargas Castillo, Student, Maestro en Arquitectura, Universidad de Guadalajara, Veracruz, Mexico
Casa en 100m2 - Unidad y patrimonio: Desconstrucción en contexto patrimonial
Victor Burneo, Gerente-proyectista, Diseño y construcción, Hábitat Estudio de Arquitectura, Loja, Ecuador
La animación como herramienta de memoria: Representando el reclutamiento infantil en el conflicto armado colombiano a través de Operación Berlín
Paola Andrea Albao-Delgadillo, Profesora e Investigadora, Facultad de Comunicación, Universidad de La Sabana, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Implementando una estrategia pedagógica para incrementar el nivel de aprendizaje del diseño sustentable en la Licenciatura en Arquitectura
Brenda García Rivera, Student, Maestría en Gestión del Aprendizaje , Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico
Silverio Pérez Cáceres, Académico de carrera, Facultad de Ingeniería en Electrónica y Comunicaciones, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
Pausa para café
Sesión de pósteres online
Diseño y creación de avatares interactivos para la representación en el metaverso institucional de la Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo
Leidy Tatiana Osorio Valencia, Investigadora, Departamento de diseño, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo , Antioquia, Colombia
Jorge Andrés Rodríguez Acevedo, Docente, Departamento de diseño, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo , Antioquia, Colombia
Luisa Fernanda Hernández Gallego, Teacher/Researcher, Design Department, Pascual Bravo University Institution, Antioquia, Colombia
Sesión plenaria (Video en español) con Catia Rijo
"Pluralidad en el Diseño: Una Invitación a la Cocreación y a un futuro Colectivo"
Sesión plenaria y debate (en inglés) con Jeanette Kwek
“Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning: Intersections with Design”
Métodos, tecnologías, digitalización
Diseño de Experiencia bajo metodología ACBD Proyecto Fundación Instituto Profesional Duoc UC-Observatorio Alma (Santiago de Chile)
Paulina Romo López, Docente, Escuela de Diseño, DUOC UC, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
El tecnodeterminismo: Ciencia, tecnología e inteligencia artificial en el diseño industrial
Las imágenes como estrategia del marketing digital
Carmen Castrejon Mata, Profesora- Investigadora, Departamento de Finanzas y Administración, UNIVERSIDAD DE GUANAJUATO, Guanajuato, Mexico
Efrain Zurita, Student, PhD in business and management, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Mexico
Sandra Karime Pérez Castrejón, Student, Doctoranda, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico
Visualización del patrimonio arquitectónico del movimiento moderno en Cundinamarca con el apoyo de tecnologías digitales 3D
Martha Cecilia Torres López, Docente de carrera, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Colombia
Tour del congreso
No incluido en la cuota de inscripción. Solicite su plaza desde el apartado "Eventos Especiales"
Mesa de registro abierta
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Edificio F, 2 Piso)
Sesión plenaria (en inglés) con Lilian Chee
"Architecture and Affect: The Telling of Encounters"
Pausa para café
Sesión plenaria y debate (en inglés) con Nur Hidayah
"Designing Citizen Designers - An exploration of learning design for tomorrow"
Cena del Congreso (Nueva dirección)
No incluido en la cuota de inscripción. Solicite su plaza desde el apartado "Eventos especiales"
Mesa de registro abierta
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Edificio F, 2 Piso)
Sesión plenaria y debate (en inglés) con Wendy Chua
"Hanging out on floating fisheries and at kopitiams: design anthropology in interdisciplinary practices"
Pausa para café
Actividad de Campo
Asegúrese de inscribirse en la actividad de campo en la mesa de registro el primer día del congreso.
Clausura del congreso y ceremonia de premiación
Cóctel de despedida
No es necesario registrarse a este evento.
Mesa redonda online (En directo)
El enlace de Zoom está en la descripción de la sesión
- Pre-Conference 24 Feb 2025
- Day One 25 Feb 2025
- Day Two 26 Feb 2025
- Day Three 27 Feb 2025
Online Only
Online Only Workshop "Tools and Transformations: Navigating Human-AI Interactions Through a Cultural Lens"
The Zoom Link is Available in the Description
Tools and Transformations: Navigating Human-AI Interactions Through a Cultural Lens
Nidhi Singh Rathore, Assistant Professor, Corcoran School of the Arts & Design, The George Washington University, District of Columbia, United States
Shreya Thakkar, Senior Design Researcher, Research By Design, Innovation, Electrolux Group, North Carolina, United States
Online Welcome and Training Session
Materials and Modifications
Asynchronous Session
New Materials for Design: A Sensory and Perceptual Analysis of Transparent Wood
Eva Vanessa Bruno, Research Assistant, DAD - Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Doriana Dal Palù,, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Beatrice Lerma, PhD, Associate Professor in Design, DAD - Department of Architecture and Design, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Closing the Opportunity Gap with Playful Learning Landscapes in Cities
Debra Ruben, Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Architecture, Design & Urbanism, Drexel University, Pennsylvania, United States
Ulrike Altenmüller-Lewis, Department Head/Associate Professor, Architecture, Design & Urbanism, Drexel University, United States
Emotional Design Applied to Learning Scenarios: A Systematic Review
Bernardo Providência, Student, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Minho University, Braga, Portugal
Cristina Prado Acebo, Lecturer, Departamento de Ingeniería Civil / Área de Proyectos de Ingeniería, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña, Spain
Crafting Visual Hierarchy for Achieving Simplicity in Visual Communication
Jinsook Kim, Associate Professor, Communication and Graphic Design, Georgian Court University, New Jersey, United States
Trends and Traditions
Asynchronous Session
Education for Future Focused Designers - Developing Ecological Awareness Through Problem-based Learning: A ‘Futures Focused’ Pedagogical Intervention for Level 5 Textile Design Students
Emma Smith, Lecturer in Illustration and Textiles, Cardiff School of Art & Design, Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Martyn Woodward, University of Plymouth
Exploring Cultural Inspiration: Utilizing Historical Elements in Design Practice and Experiments
Setareh Ghoreishi, Assistant Professor, Art and Art History, Oakland University, Michigan, United States
Thinking Through Making: A Self-Reflective Making Approach to Design-based Research
Angelica Sibrian, Assistant Professor, Art, Design, Art History, California State University at Fresno, United States
Learning Typography through Graphic Comics
Vaijayanti Ajinkya, Faculty, Applied Art, Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art, Maharashtra, India
Realities and Representations
Curating Cityscapes: Ways for Thinking and Performing Spaces of Becoming
Ningfei Xiao, PhD Candidate, Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation, Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Simon Twose, Associate Professor, Architecture, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, New Zealand
Representation of Adjustability and Interactivity in Architectural Space: Achieved through Parametric Design
Tianyu Han, Student, PhD Student in Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, Portugal
Sensory Landscapes from the South: The Ingahurco Neighborhood of Ambato
Paola Velasco Espín, Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Arts, Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Tungurahua, Ecuador
Ashley Betsabé Zuleta Segovia, Student, Arquitectura, Universidad Indoamerica, Cotopaxi, Ecuador
Juan Daniel Cabrera, Teacher, Faculty of Architecture, Universidad Indoamérica, Tungurahua, Ecuador
Evolving Experiences
Better Everything: Publication Design and the Fruit Industry in Early 20th Century Pacific Northwest
Cristina de Almeida, Professor of Graphic Design, Design, Western Washington University, Washington, United States
A Combination of Chinese and Western Book Design: A Case Study of Chengshu - China's First Textbook
Wenjing Yang, Teaching assistant, Institute of Art Design and Animation, Sichuan University of Media and Communications, Sichuan, China
Designing Accessible Social Futures with the Stylus Project: A Techno-Somatic Design Approach Towards Disability Inclusion
Stephen Fernandez, Lecturer, User Experience Design, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
The Role of Technology in the Construction of Social Reality in Everyday Life: Robot Vacuum Cleaner Transforms Daily Life of House Cleaning
Ayşe Dalyanoğlu, Lecturer, Industrial Design, Gebze Technical University, Kocaeli, Turkey
Ozge Merzali Celikoglu, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Conference Registration Desk Open and Welcome Coffee
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Building F, Level 2)
Conference Opening and Welcome Session
LASALLE College of the Arts 1 McNally St Singapore 187940
Plenary Session and Discussion with Dawn Lim
"Singapore: A Nation of Designers, A Nation by Design"
Contemporary Considerations
Trends versus Paradigms in Fashion Cycles Equal to Niche Markets: A Genderless Clothing Approach
Benilde Reis, Professor, Department of Cinema and Media Arts, Lusofona University / CICANT, Portugal
Madalena Rocha Pereira, Vice-President of Textiles Department; UNIDCOM I&D Member and FibEnTech, Textiles Department, University of Beira Interior, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Material Manipulation and Illusion in Interior Design
Ingrid Schmidt, Assistant Professor, School of Interiors, University of Kentucky, Kentucky, United States
The Good, the Ugly and the Sublime: Good Designing is Good Ethics
Paolo Grazioli, Faculty, Industrial Design, Savannah College of Arts and Design, Georgia, United States
Visual Communication
Collaborative Collage: A Method for Teaching Ideation in Graphic Design
Anna Jordan, Assistant Professor, College of Art and Design, Rochester Institute of Technology, United States
Shared Visual Experiences: Exploring the Application of Design in Cultural Storytelling
Narges Panahandeh, Assistant Professor of Graphic Design, Art and Design, East Carolina University, North Carolina, United States
Measuring Historical Color Data with a Mobile Spectrophotometer: An Analysis of Two 1925 Real Silk Costume Color Harmony Charts
Marcy L. Koontz, Curator, The Fashion Archive + Associate Professor, Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design, The University of Alabama, Alabama, United States
Assistive Kitchen Tool for Women Aged 20-45 with Partial Hand Amputation: Designing Ergonomic and Customizable Kitchen Tools to Enhance Independence
Niveditha Rajesh, Student, Industrial Design, PES University, Karnataka, India
Lessons for Living
Visual Making: Teaching History Through Design Processes
Stephanie Travis, Associate Professor and Program Head, Interior Architecture Program, The George Washington University, District of Columbia, United States
Catherine Anderson, Assistant Professor, Interior Architecture Program, George Washington University , District of Columbia, United States
Advancing Fashion Design Education With AI: Scaffolding Learning and Enhancing Curriculum Integration
Brian Taylor, Senior Instructor | Interim Department Chair, Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design, The University of Alabama, Alabama, United States
Bodies-Thinking: Towards Support of Body-literacy Goals in Design Education
Ashley Bales, Faculty, Math and Science, Pratt Institute, New York, United States
Kim Bobier, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of History of Art & Design , Pratt Institute , New York, United States
Chelsea Limbird, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design, Interdisciplinary Studies, Pratt Institute, Rhode Island, United States
Teaching Students How to Create Information-based Narratives that Can Effect Societal Change
Peggy Bloomer, Assistant Professor, Graphic Information Design, Central Connecticut State University, Connecticut, United States
Advancing Pedagogy
The Role of Bio-based Materials in Education: Hands on Investigation with DIY Non-petroleum Based Materials
Daniel Neubauer, Associate Teaching Professor, Industrial Design, Iowa State University, Iowa, United States
Students and Real Tools: Educating Through Individuated Design
Eric Zeigler, Assistant Professor of Art, University of Toledo, Ohio, United States
A Human-Centered Approach to First Responder Care in Namibia
Clara Watkins, Senior Lecturer, Design and Innovation, Cardiff Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Coffee Break
Talking Circle: "Design Education"
Talking Circle: "Design in Society"
Talking Circle: "Visual Design"
Talking Circle: "Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design"
Priorities and Planning
Asynchronous Session
Community-centred Design for Social Innovation: Bottom-up and Government Initiatives in Shanghai
Aoni Zhang, PhD Researcher, School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
Inês Veiga, Invited Professor, Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Portugal
Antonio Gorgel Pinto, Professor and Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, Portugal
Optimizing the Spatial Experience of Public Restrooms in India: A Study on Urban Public Spaces Exclusively for Women Working in Outdoor Occupations
Vardhini Murari, Student, Design, PES UNIVERSITY, Karnataka, India
Exploring the Distribution of Design Capabilities: A Case of Italian Local Governments
Luca Baldini, PhD student, Department of Planning, Design,Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Sonia Belhaj, PhD Student, Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell'Architettura, Sapienza, Agrigento, Italy
Angela Giambattista, Research Fellow and Assistant Professor, Department of Planning, Design,Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Navigating User Experience for the Repatriation Movement: An Interface for Decolonization and Reconstruction of Museum Spaces
Anika Sarin, Assistant Professor of Design, Graphic Design/Art, California State University Los Angeles, California, United States
Poster Session
Design, Nature and Creativity Confluence: A Case Study of Biomimetic Process for the Development of a Nautilidae-Inspired Art Museum
Alice Araujo Marques De Sá, Student, PhD, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal
Designing Mechanisms for Sustainable Internal Quality Assurance in Basic Education Schools in Thailand: User Experience Research
Jatuphum Ketchatturat, Lecturer, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Resonance in Dissonance: Noise and the Aesthetics of Auditory Abstraction
Mariam Basowad, Student, Master of Fine Arts, Pratt Institute, New York, United States
Accessibility and Equality: Developing Accessible Solutions in Finland
Sini Roine, Project Coordinator, Institute of Design and Fine Arts, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Kaisa Leka, RDI Specialist, Institute of Design, LAB University of Applied Sciences , Finland
Share a Coke: Creating Community Through Brand Identity and Personalization
Susan Alessandri, Associate Professor, Department of Advertising, PR & Social Media, Suffolk University, Massachusetts, United States
American Dream: Indian Student Migration to the US
Amrita Datta, Assistant Professor, Visual Communication Design, Herron School of Art and Design, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Boosting Female Participation in Vocational Programs at Zaatari Camp: Architectural Approaches to Empowerment
Paula Calixto Egues, Student, Master of Architecture, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia
Virtual Posters
Asynchronous Session
The Essential Matter: Material Sustainability As a Critical Concept Against Urban Globalization and Climate Change
Sergi Ortín Molina, Student, Arquitectura, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Cultural-image Poster as Visual Form of National Identity
Svitlana Pryshchenko, Design and Art Studies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyïvs'ka Oblast', Ukraine
Sustainable Design Pedagogies: A Practice-based Analysis of Transformative Design Education in Indonesia
Flavia Mameli, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Art and Design, University of the Arts Bremen, Germany
Baridah Mutmainah, Lecturer, Product Design, Indonesia Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
University Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Packaging Design
Lorrie Frear, Professor, School of Design, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, United States
Mindy Magyar, Associate Professor, School of Design, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, United States
Decolonial Design and Indigenous Placemaking in the Wairaka Precinct
Leon Tan, Associate Professor, Creative Industries , Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Allana Goldsmith, Educator, Music, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Peeti Lamwilai, Academic Programme Manager, Creative Industries, Unitec, New Zealand
Cris De Groot, Senior Lecturer, Creative Industries, Unitec NZ, New Zealand
Emma Smith, Senior Lecturer, Creative Industries, Unitec Te Whare Wananga o Wairaka, Auckland, New Zealand
Tanya White, Kaitiaki Taiao / Kaupapa Māori Research Advisor, Maia Māori Centre / Ngā Wai a te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre, Unitec Institute of Technology, Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka, Auckland, New Zealand
Self-Empowerment Through Design: Participatory Teaching as a Paradigm Shift for Unlearning Ableism in Design Education
Beata Pintérné Sosity, Student, MA, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary
Theory and Application
Stakeholders in Industry-Oriented Learning Model: Developing Specific Professional Skills for Design Management
Amparo Alvarez, Research Professor, Industrial Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Pichincha, Ecuador
Bridging Academia and Practice: A Comparative Study of Brand Design Projects in Higher Education
Raquel Antunes, Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Lusíada University of Porto | CITAD - University Lusíada, School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
António Brandão, Professor, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Artes, Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal
Advancing Faculty Mentorship in Design Higher Education: Research, Applications, and Impact
Steven Faerm, Associate Professor of Fashion, Parsons School of Design, Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York, United States
Transition Break
Student-Community Engagement and Graphic Design Education: A Case Study of Logo Designs for Thai Local Pottery Products
Wichanat Tiwasing, Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture Urban Design and Creative Arts, Mahasarakham University , Maha Sarakham, Thailand
Developing the DREAM Instructional Innovation Framework from the Interplay of Cognitive Flexibility, Growth Mindset, Transdisciplinary Thinking, and Academic Resilience in Design-Based Biology Education
Joelash Honra, Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education (CASE), AMA University, Philippines
Wuxing and Shoe Design: An Exploration at the Bridge Between Novel Material Combinations and Chinese Culture
Maurizio Vrenna, Assistant Professor of Design, Industrial Design Program Coordinator, Michael Graves College of Architecture and Design, Industrial Design Department, Wenzhou-Kean University, Zhejiang, China
Professional Processes
Integrating Circular Materials and Environmental Impact Awareness into the Design Process
Viktor Malakuczi, Assistant Professor, Department PDTA, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Luca D'Elia, Researcher, Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Mariia Ershova, Research Fellow and PhD Student, Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Lorenzo Imbesi, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Bamboo Furniture Eco-friendly Coating: Plasma Ionization and Light Metal Material
Supatcha Charoensiri, Student, Graduate, College of Creative Industry, Srinakharinwirot University, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon [Bangkok], Thailand
Digital Enchantment: Strategies and Challenges for Brand Activations on Roblox
Rakshitha Raghunandan, Senior Graphic Designer & UI/UX Designer, Mello Experts & Orglens
Generative AI in Senior Footwear Design: Exploring Aesthetic Preferences and Innovation for Aging Consumers
Ling Cheung, Assistant Professor, Department of Design and Architecture, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Chui Shan Lee, Senior Researcher, Department of Design and Architecture, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Arm Prosthetics in Medical and Social Models: A Semiotic, Phenomenological, and Hermeneutic Approach
Wildan Trusaji, Student, Ph.D., Singapore University of Technology and Design, South East, Singapore
Bridging Classroom and Community: Collaborative Design Education for Social Change
Antonio Gorgel Pinto, Professor and Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, Portugal
Hande Ayanoglu, Executive Director, UNIDCOM/IADE, Portugal
Davide Antonio Gambera, PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor, UNIDCOM/IADE, IADE, Universidade Europeia, Lisbon, Portugal
Juliana F. Duque, Assistant Professor | Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia | CIEBA - Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Visual Expression
Choreography of Thought: Exploring the Intersection of Typography, Body Movement, and Chinese Philosophy in Contemporary Art Practice
Haocheng Zhang, Student, Ph.D Researcher, Victorian College of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Scientific Illustration for Blind and Visually Impaired: Toward a More Sustainable Society and What Design Can Do About It
Petra Cerne Oven, Head of Chair of Theoretical Studies, University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Slovenia
Marija Nabernik, Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Navigating Visual Integrity: Addressing Plagiarism, AI Ethics, and Design Education Challenges
Lisa Winstanley, Assistant Professor, School of Art Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Cheryl Chong, Research Associate, School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Design as Abolition: A Strategy for Transformational Change
Courtney Brown, Interior Designer, Higher Education Market, Shive-Hattery, Illinois, United States
Taneshia W. Albert, Associate Professor, Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University, Alabama, United States
Seating Tales: Uncovering Design Students' Classroom Chair Needs and Goals
Sonal Atreya, Assistant Professor, Design, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttaranchal, India
Abhishek Srivastava, Student, PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttaranchal, India
Designing for Mental Health Through Singapore’s Cultural Lens: Investigating Ways to Cultivate Cultures of Healing and Fostering a Culture of Care Among Young Adults
Saradevi Ng, Student, MA Design, Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore
Growing Together
Pathways to Green Personalisation: Thinking, Learning, and Doing
Iryna Kuksa, Senior Research Fellow; Director of Design Research Centre, School of Art and Design, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Design for Social and Public Sector Innovation
Kunica Khosla, Professor, Interior Design, Atlas Skill Tech University - ISDI, Maharashtra, India
Artificial Intelligence and Hyperreality: Redefining Spatial Perception in Cinematic Dystopias
Meltem Eranıl, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design / Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey
Living and Learning
Learning Tools for Non-Speakers: Co-creating a Picture Book and Resources for Speech Therapists Working with Non-speaking Children
Sherry Freyermuth, Associate Professor, Visual and Performing Arts - Studio Art Program, Clark University, Massachusetts, United States
To Understand Young People's Willingness to Engage with the Digitization of the Penang Peranakan Museum through Quantitative Research
Fengcheng Wan, Student, Master of Design, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Understanding Neurodivergence: Literature Review Intersecting Adults with ADHD and Everyday Practices
Akansha Aggarwal, Student, Doctoral Degree, Hochschule Anhalt, Berlin, Germany
Facilitating Lifestyle Changes through Self-reflection, Personal Values and Experienced Health: A Transdisciplinary Design Methodology
Naomi Van Stralen, PhD Candidate, Interaction Design Group, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Overijssel, Netherlands
Making Meaning
A Common Flower Garden: Reclamation of Diverse Voices through Print Design
Sumi Limbu, Assistant Professor, Graphic Design, East Carolina University, North Carolina, United States
Riva Nayaju, Student, MFA, Oklahoma State University, Iowa, United States
The Impact of Bilateral Readability on Visual Communication
Caglar Okur, Associate Professor, Graphic Arts, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Type That Speaks: Shaping Meaning Through the Narrative Power of Typography as an Independent Visual Language
İpek Köprülülü, Independent Designer, Currently Graphic Designer for Netflix Series “To Love, To Lose”, İpek Köprülülü, Istanbul, Turkey
Cultivating Socially Conscious Designers: An Innovative Approach to Participatory Design Practices in in Architectural Pedagogy
Ulrike Altenmüller-Lewis, Department Head/Associate Professor, Architecture, Design & Urbanism, Drexel University, United States
Debra Ruben, Associate Professor, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Architecture, Design & Urbanism, Drexel University, Pennsylvania, United States
Beyond the Classroom
Integrating Design Thinking and Territorial Intelligence in Pedagogy: Towards a New Approach for the Transmission of Tangible and Intangible Heritage
Houda Kohli Kallel, Assistant Professor, Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts, University of Kairouan, Ben Arous, Tunisia
Amina Tekitek Bouden, Assistant professor , Department Design (space), Higher School of Sciences and Technologies of Design University of Manouba UrTIiM, Tunis, Tunisia
Sustainable Buildings for Culture in Italy: Lessons from SustainabITALY, an Itinerant Exhibition Designed by Students
Francesca Riccardo, Adjunct Professor, Academic Coordinator of the Architecture and Interior Design Programs, University of Arkansas Rome Program, Roma, Italy
Introducing a Non-Zero Post-Humanistic Framework for Problem Solving in Design Education
Louise Kolff, Senior Lecturer, Design, SAE University College, New South Wales, Australia
Robert Haubt, Senior Lecturer, School of Computer Science, Master of Creative Industries, SAE University College, Queensland, Australia
Along Came AI: How Prepared Are Design Schools to Equip Students with the Necessary Skills for the AI-driven Design Landscape?
Clara Fernandes, Lecturer, School of Design Communication, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
Ricardo Morais, Universidade do Porto
Growing Understanding
Teaching Sustainability in Design Practice-based Programs: Connecting Pedagogy to the Learning Experience
Johnnie Stark, Associate Professor of Interior Design, Design Department, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Barbara Trippeer, Assistant Professor, Design Department, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Music Videos : Design beyond Print and User Interfaces
Neil Ward, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, Art & Design, Drake University, Iowa, United States
Sustainable Design for Healthy Communities: Applying Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences to a Service-learning Case Study
Barbara Trippeer, Assistant Professor, Design Department, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Johnnie Stark, Associate Professor of Interior Design, Design Department, University of North Texas, Texas, United States
Reshaping UX Design Education for AI Agent-driven Multimodal Solutions: A New UX Design Approach in the Era of Advanced AI Models
Min Kang, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, University of Houston, Texas, United States
Plenary Session and Discussion with Jeanette Kwek
“Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning: Intersections with Design”
Inquiring Minds
Material-Energetic Assemblages for a Curious Climate
Jerry Hacker, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism, Carleton University, Ontario, Canada
Lisa Moffitt, Associate Professor, Architecture, Carleton University , Ontario, Canada
Playful Participation: Serious Games for Climate Change Engagement within Design Education, and Urban Sustainability
Anna Merry, Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Communication, Frederick University, Cyprus
Visual Musicality in Three-Dimensional Design: A Study on Basic Design and Material Interpretation
Karna Mustaqim, Senior Lecturer, Design and Creative Industry/ Visual Communication Design, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Erwin Rezasyah, Lecturer, Faculty of Design and Creative Industry, Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Christophera Ratnasari Lucius, Universitas Esa Unggul
Iwan Zahar, Universitas Esa Unggul
Anita Lawujaya, Faculty Member, New Media/School of Design, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
Inspiring Minds
This is a test proposal submission: Test
Megan Perry, Conference and Communications Assistant., Common Ground Research Networks, United States
The Design Process of a Mobile Game and Its Heuristic Evaluation: Newly Designed Game and User Testing
Ezgi İlhan, Assist. Prof. Dr, Industrial Design, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Enhancing Final Design Drawings: Leveraging Storytelling, Depth, and Materials for a Deeper Connection
Terry Londy, Assistant Professor, Interior Design, Florida State University, Florida, United States
Pushing Boundaries
The Integration of Generative AI in Neuroarchitecture: A Framework for Integrating Neurological Response Patterns with AI Design Systems to Optimize Built Environments for Human Cognitive Function
Justyna Puchalska, Teaching Associate, Design, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mazowieckie, Poland
Collective Immersion - Collaborative Approaches to Multisensory Immersion in Theatre and Installation Art: Exploring How Teamwork and Technology Craft Transformative Artistic Experiences
Julia Balazs, Doctoral Student, Multimedia Design, Moholy Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME), Budapest, Hungary
Rotoscoping in Motion Design: Exploring the Applications, Methods, and Benefits
Kacey Morrow, Professor, Department of Design, Western Washington University, Washington, United States
Unlocking the Health and Wellbeing Potential of the NHS Estates through a Co-design Serious Game Methodology
Laura Mac Lean, Research Associate, Design Manufacturing Engineering Management, The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow City, United Kingdom
Social Ties
Exploratory Observations in Irish Women's Health Services: A Tool to Scope Opportunities for Responsible Design
Ihsan Kamil, Doctoral Researcher, School of Architecture and Product Design, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Eoin White, University of Limerick
Muireann McMahon, University of Limerick
A Review on the Relationship Between Social Impact and Design Thinking
Sevcan Ekmekçioğlu, Instructor, Industrial Design, Samsun University, Turkey
Sebnem Timur, Prof.Dr., Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Industrial Design, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Women Making: Negotiating Embodiments Through Craft and Fashion in Contemporary Mexico
Jeannine Diego, Assistant Professor of Fashion Design, School of the Arts, Department of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, United States
Cultural Identity: An Appreciation of Chinese Culture in Western Fashion Design
Xinxi Liu, Student, Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Transition Break
Actions and Reflections
Integrating Biomimicry and Sustainable Materials in Design
Iman Ibrahim, Associate Professor, Applied Design, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Dr.Karima Abdelaziz, Assistant Professor, Fine Arts, University of Sharjah, Ash Shariqah [Sharjah], United Arab Emirates
Designing for Longevity: Enhancing Safety and Well-being for Active Adults
Mingming Zhao, Student, Graduate, Cornell University, New York, United States
Inheriting Design: A Narrative Methodology for Tracing Cultural Dynamics in Design Praxis
Ann-Marie Conrado, Associate Professor, Art, Art History and Design, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States
Integrating Design Thinking into Self-Help Groups: A Framework for Participatory Product Development
Nabajit Deka, PhD Researcher, IIT Bombay, IITB-Monash Research Academy, Maharashtra, India
Sugandh Malhotra, Associate Professor, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Gene Bawden
Graphic Design and Literature on the Way to Greater Inclusiveness of Women in Society: A Case Study
Juliana F. Duque, Assistant Professor | Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia | CIEBA - Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Unscene - Unzine: The Plural Affordance of Zines as a Design Medium to Enable Different Ways of Thinking, Learning and Experimenting for 'Gen-Z' Social Constructs
Sayali Milind Phadke, Experience Design Lead, Product Design, Dentsu International, Maharashtra, India
Exploring Integrated Creative Activity Instruction to Enhance Student Creativity in Design Thinking through Artificial Intelligence Integration
Su Cheong Wong, Senior Lecturer, School of Communication and Creative Arts, UOW University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Visual Thinking in Graphic Design: Reflections on the Nature of Graphic Design Knowledge
Halldór Björn Halldórsson, Associate Senior Lecturer, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalens University, Sweden
Cognitive Impact of Computational Design on Interior Designers : Exploring the Impact of Computational Design Methods on Interior Design Processes
Somang Yang, Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, United States
Taneshia W. Albert, Associate Professor, Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University, Alabama, United States
Bridging the Gap Between Design Practice and Education: A Practical Case Study Method for Design Practitioners
Taneshia W. Albert, Associate Professor, Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University, Alabama, United States
Courtney Brown, Interior Designer, Higher Education Market, Shive-Hattery, Illinois, United States
A Theoretical Study on Restructuring University Lecture and Learning Spaces for Student-Centered Education
Eunjung Kim, Post-Doc, Service Design Based Glocal Social Innovation Educational Research Team, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Place, Memory, and Artifact - an Expanded Drawing Workshop: Transcending Global Borders through Community Building and Collaboration Within and Beyond the Classroom
Shea Chang, Associate Professor, Faculty of Design-Illustration, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
Joanne Pang, Lecturer, School of Design Communication, LASALLE COLLEGE OF THE ARTS, UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE, Singapore
Designing Ideas into Concepts II: Further Defining the Ratio of Ideas to Great Ideas
Jon Ligon, Associate Teaching Professor, Media Design, APRD, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States
Burton St. John Iii, Professor of Public Relations, Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design, University of Colorado - Boulder, Colorado, United States
Mark Heisten, Student, Ph.D., University of Colorado - Boulder, Colorado, United States
Research through Design – Practice-based Research in Design Disciplines
Henry Ma, Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Multisensory Experience (MSX) Canvas: A New Tool for Autoethnography Research in Experience Design
Fitorio Leksono, Lecturer, Design and The Built Environment, Curtin University, Western Australia, Australia
Innovation Showcases
Southwestern Sediment: A Pluralistic Approach to Geological and Personal Layers in Design
In-sook Ahn, Assistant Professor, Family Consumer Science, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, United States
Abigail Tuggle, Student, Master of Fine Arts, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, United States
Building an Intercollegiate, Interdepartmental Game Design Major at Iowa State University: Beyond Interdisciplinary
Anson Call, Associate Professor, Graphic Design, Iowa State University, Iowa, United States
Jeffrey Wheatley, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, Iowa State University, United States
Jeremy Best, Associate Professor, History, Iowa State University, United States
Investigating the Potential of No-Cost Graphic Design Summer Camps to Inspire Underrepresented High School Students to Pursue Graphic Design in Higher Education and Foster Diversity Within the Industry
Nancy Miller, Program Coordinator and Associate Professor, Department of Art and Design, Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
Alexandria Canchola, Associate Professor of Graphic Design, Art + Design, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi, United States
Inspiration vs. Appropriation: The Use of Traditional Motifs and Techniques within Modern Design
Renee Lamb, Assistant Professor, School of the Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, United States
Maintaining Attention in Digital Text Reading: Can Interaction and Personalised Text Setting Enhance Reading Comprehension and Motivation for People with Focus Issues?
Szabolcs Vatány, Student, Doctor of Liberal Arts, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary
Review and Reflect
Sesión asincrónica de acceso permanente
Design Guided by Rules: Introducing Alternative Design Variables in the Textile Design Process
Tonje Kristensen Johnstone, Senior Lecturer, Textile Design, The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Boras, Västra Götalands län, Sweden
Observational Methods and Assessment Criteria in Interior Design for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Kindergartens: Developing Interpretative Frameworks for Sensory-Sensitive Educational Environments
Melis Canlı, Student, DLA, Marcel Breuer Doctoral School of Architecture, University of Pécs, Baranya, Hungary
Exploring Spaces for Further (Re)connecting Tacit and Codified Knowledge in Product Design: Challenging Knowledge Hierarchy in Academia
Anne Marchand, Professor, École de Design, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada
“I LIVE POLITO” - Co-Designing Policies for Inclusion : Shifting to a GEDI Perspective in Higher Education Governance
Giulia Beltramino, PhD Student, DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Claudia De Giorgi, Professor, Department of Architecture and Design (DAD), Politecnico of Torino, Italy
Educational Shifts
Integrating 3D Modeling Applications into Interior Design Education: A Curriculum Enhancement Approach
Kristin Maki, Assistant Professor, Clothing, Textiles, and Interior Design, University of Alabama, United States
Designing Across Cultures: Building Cross-Cultural Competencies Through Studio Learning
Marianne Holbert, Teaching Professor, Environmental Design, University of Colorado, Colorado, United States
Looking Back and Forward, a Future for Design Pedagogy: Does Everything Have to Be about AI Now?
Michael Salmond, Professor, Digital Media Design, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida, United States
Diverse Dimensions
Rethinking Cultural Heritage through the Design Creativity Lens: Understanding the Dimension of the Ancient and the Knowledge of New Technological Realities
Carla Farina, Researcher, DEIM, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Roma, Italy
The Integration of Virtual Materiality in Developing Sentient Experience in Museum
Zarita Amalia, Student, Magister of Architecture, Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
Vincentius Totok Noerwasito
Being, Bearing, Becoming: Navigating Cross-cultural Codesign through Practices of Reflexivity
Ashleigh Dharmawardhana, Research Assistant, Media and Communications, RMIT University, Victoria, Australia
Artificial Intelligence Generated Content Integrated Platforms and Interior Design Workflow Research
Yuji Li, Student, PhD Candidate in Interdisciplinary Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Ziyuan Yang, Student, PhD Candidate, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Conference Walking Tour of the Singapore Design District.
Please Book via the Special Events Tab
Shaping Perceptions
Language Design Translating Scents into Colours and Shapes: Colour's Leading Role in Synaesthesia
Lucía Molatore, Research Professor, Creative Studies, Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores de Querétaro S.C., Querétaro, Mexico
Photographs, Home, and Space: "Objects" Evolution in Residential Interior Design
Ziyuan Yang, Student, PhD Candidate, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Yuji Li, Student, PhD Candidate in Interdisciplinary Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Cultural Rooted Creativity as a Manifestation of Symbols, Heroes and Rituals : The Study of Portuguese Costumes
João Barata, Assistant Professor, Department of Cinema and Media Arts, Lusófona University , Lisboa, Portugal
Carolina Fadigas, Phd researcher, Arte dos media a comunicação , Universidade Lusófona , Portugal
Bridging Identities: Mediating Authenticity in Nigerian Visual Design Practices
Ashley Stewart, Lecturer, Graphics, Department of Fine Arts and Design, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria
More-than-Human Frameworks, Figures and Personas in Design
Nicolás Diaz, Student, PhD candidate, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Craig Jeffcott, Student, PhD, IADE, Lisboa, Portugal
David Sanchez Ruano, Research Lecturer, School of Art, Architecture and Design, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Jalisco, Mexico
Eva Monestier, PhD Student, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Emerging Methods
Construction of a Design Process: The Use of a Parametric Tool for Digital Fabrication
Wladimir Tejo, Student, Master, Federal University of Paraíba, Paraíba, Brazil
Carlos Alejandro Nome, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Brasil, Brazil
New Design Methodologies "Through" Architecture: Operational Strategies
Daniel Huertas Nadal, Profesor Asociado, School of Architecture and Design, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Integrating Industry Standards into Classrooms: Help Students Adapt Their Future Career by Bringing It in Early
Jingtian Li, Associate Professor, 3D Animation and Game Design, University of the Incarnate Word, Texas, United States
Bridging the Gap: Exploring Mental Health Awareness, Stigma, and Campaign Strategies Among Young Adults in Jordan
Muhammad Al-Hmoud, Student, PhD in Art & Design Practices, Frederick University, Lefkosia, Cyprus
Anna Merry, Assistant Professor, Department of Arts and Communication, Frederick University, Cyprus
Charting Pathways
Charting Pathways for More-than-Human Futures: A Creative Framework for Designer Inner Transformation
Eva Monestier, PhD Student, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Maria Rita Canina, Politecnico di Milano
Consumer Design and Computer Mediated Communication: Post Pandemic Preferences
Isaiah DeMarco, Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, Taylor University, Indiana, United States
Immersive Technologies, Immersive Experiences, and Their Components for Contemporary Designers
Ozge Kandemir, Associate Professor, Interior Architecture, Eskisehir Teknik University, Turkey
Celal Murat Kandemir, Assistant Professor, Instructional Technologies, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
Gokhan Ulusoy, Research Assistant, Interior Architecture, Eskisehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey
Using EEG to Assess Cognitive Load in Infinite Interfaces: A Case Study
Anastasiia Satarenko, Senior Design Researcher | HCI UX Lab Lead, R&D, MacPaw, Kyïv, Ukraine
Conference Registration Desk Open
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Building F, Level 2)
Plenary Session and Discussion with Lilian Chee
"Architecture and Affect: The Telling of Encounters"
Coffee Break
A Study on Spatial and Experiential Elements in O4O Flagship Stores
Lee Jinju, Student, Master's Program, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Kwanseon Hong, Professor, Design Department, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
The Historical Evolution, Cultural Background and Architectural Form of Overseas Chinese New Villages on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait
Wenying Li, Student, Doctoral Degree, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Shang-chia Chiou, Professor, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Forging Immersive Experiences within Simulated Nature: On the Spatial Aesthetic Relationship between teamLab’s Digital Works and Traditional Japanese Gardens
Ching-Pin Tseng, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, Taiwan
Intersecting Paths
Transdisciplinary Learning: The Future of Digital Product Design Education
Chin-juz Yeh, Professor, Creative Technology and Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, United States
Christie Shin, Professor, Creative Technology and Design, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, United States
Object-Oriented Fieldwork: Addressing the Disembodiment Issue in Architectural Design Education
Anastasia Gkoliomyti, Lecturer in Architecture, Michael Graves College, School of Public Architecture, Wenzhou-Kean University, Zhejiang, China
Interdisciplinary Design Approaches: Case Studies in Graphic Design Teaching, Research, and Scholarly Activities
Siriporn Peters, Assistant Professor of Art and Design (Graphic Design), Communication, Media, Art, and Design, Morehead State University, Kentucky, United States
Docu Dynamics: Designing an Engaging Educational Module for Documentary Filmmaking
Patsy Iwasaki, Assistant Professor, English, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hawaii, United States
Exploring the Relationship between Problem-Based Learning and Self-Regulated Learning: A Case Study of Performance Courses
Yao Fei Huang, Student, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Wen Huei Chou, Professor, Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Empowering Design Education: Student-Centred Learning Outcomes based on Quality Assessment Reference Framework
Aija Freimane, Lecturer, Design, TU Dublin School of Art and Design, Ireland
Reaching Higher
We’ve Got Your Back!: Exploring Social Support’s Influence on Academic Performance
Zhengping Liow, Lecturer, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
How Is Story Used in Higher Education for Design in Japan?
Shunta Tomimatsu, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Insights into Perceived Authorship in Designer-AI Collaboration: Exploring Design Students’ Perspectives on AI-Assisted Design Processes
Byungsoo Kim, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, North Carolina State University, North Carolina, United States
Evolving Engagement
Digital Twins in Public Services and Stakeholder Engagement for Systemic Innovation
Mariia Ershova, Research Fellow and PhD Student, Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Lorenzo Imbesi, Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Viktor Malakuczi, Assistant Professor, Department PDTA, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy
Evolving Design Practices - Integrating Human-Centred Methodologies in Perth's Small-Scale Graphic Design Projects: Adapting to Systemic Approaches for More Effective Client Engagement and Sustainable Solutions
Eko Pam, Lecturer Graphic Design and Design Thinking, School of Media and Communication, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia
Erica Mason, Lecturer for Graphic Design and Academic Chair for Design Thinking, School of Media and Communication, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia
Life-centred Design: Compassion in Action
Vatsal Agrawal, Director, International Affairs, The Design Village Foundation, Uttar Pradesh, India
Melanie Flory, Associate Director Research, The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom
Old and New Approaches
Designing with Artisans: Leveraging the Ancestral Intelligence of Woven Handcraft
Tania Ursomarzo, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Interior Design, Architecture, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Upgrading the Thong Som Jackfruit Model Community Enterprise to be a Model of Learning Resoures
Miyoung Seo, Full time Lecturer, Dep. of Product Design, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts , Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand
Kriangsak Khiaomang, Associate Professor, Dep. of Product Design, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand
Innovation Showcases
Podcast Studio Design: Form, Culture and Technology
Kim Lau, Associate Professor, Academy of Film and Creative Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Jiangsu, China
Designing for Care: Case Studies on Design Education, Social Impact and Environmental Sustainability from Toronto, Canada
Ranee Lee, Associate Professor, Industrial Design, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
Comparison and Analysis of Multidisciplinary Modular Characteristics for Enhanced Product Development
Miguel Vieira, Student, PhD, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Transition Break
Poster Session (2)
Exploring Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Learning Process in Design Pedagogy through a Case Study
Sangramsinh Parmar, Associate Professor, Head of Department - Space Design, School of Design, Anant National University, India
Towards Hybridity: Innovative Design Approaches In Hybrid Realities
Felix Sng, Student, MA Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
Sight Unseen: New Ways of Seeing Climate Data in Singapore
Kathy Anne Lim, Student, Master´s Student, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore
A Study of Urban Complex Projects Based on the 15-Minute City Concept: Focusing on the Toranomon Hills and Azabudai Hills Projects in Tokyo
Qi Xiao, Student, Ph.D., Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Kwanseon Hong, Professor, Design Department, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Comparative Study of Futures Thinking and Design Thinking Processes: Analysis of Approaches and Application Cases
Meiwen Wang, Student, PhD, Dongseo University , Busan, South Korea
Research on Strategies for Interactive Teaching in Smart Classrooms under the Background of Digital Technology: A Case Study of the "Introduction to Art" Course for Digital Media Arts Majors at University X
Xiufang Liu, Student, PhD Candidate, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Hae Yoon Kim, Korea Economic Institute of America
Research on the Design of Museum Cultural Products Based on Experience Design
Jie Liu, Student, Ph.D., Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
The Expression and Study of Light and Shadow Aesthetics in New Media Installation Art
Xiao Ma, Student, Ph. D. Candidate, Dongseo university, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Hae Yoon Kim, Korea Economic Institute of America
Analysis of the Advantages of 3D Printing Technology in the Production of Garage Kits
Chuxuan Wang, Student, Doctor, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Hae Yoon Kim, Korea Economic Institute of America
A Research on the Creation of Realism in Mimetic Documentary-Style Horror Film Imagery: A Case Study of the Korean Horror Film Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
Li Ma, Student, Ph. D. Candidate, Dongseo University, South Korea, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Hae Yoon Kim, Korea Economic Institute of America
A Study on the Challenges and Opportunities of Generative AI in the Creation of Chinese Freehand Animation: Taking "Poems of the Thousand Years" as an Example
Xueyao Liu, Student, PhD, Dongseo University, Busan Gwang'yeogsi [Pusan-Kwangyokshi], South Korea
Hae Yoon Kim, Korea Economic Institute of America
Design Principles in Learning Designs for Technology-Enhanced Learning: Using a Topic Modeling Approach
Mi Song Kim, Associate Professor, Curriculum Studies, University of Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Digital Experience Theatre: A Speculative Co-Design Approach for Sustainable Interspecies Design
Paula Reaes Pinto, Assistant Professor and Researcher, Art and Design, CHAIA | School of Arts | University of Évora, Évora, Portugal
Antonio Gorgel Pinto, Professor and Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, Portugal
Moving Risk Assessment Upstream to the Design Phase
Georgi Popov, Department Chair, Professor, Occupational Risk and Safety Science, University of Central Missouri, Missouri, United States
Teaching Sustainability: A Systems Thinking Perspective
Marta Alexandra Godinho Miguel, Senior Academic Mentor, School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Rachna Johri, Deputy Director, Learning Academy, Temasek Polytechic, North East, Singapore
Poster session
Targeting Clothing Emissions for Sustainable Living: An App to Sensitise Citizens about the Emissions that Clothes Carry
Bhawna Welturkar, Manager - Communications Design, Communication and Policy Engagement, Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy, Karnataka, India
A Framework for Visual Analysis of Public-Interest Advertisement in China
Allana Gama, Student, PhD Candidate, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Traceability by Design: Designing Transparency for Biofuels’ Regenerative and Net Positive Impact on Southeast Asia's Market
Sheng Jin Ang, Student, MA Design, University of the Arts Singapore, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
From Theory to Practice: Exploring the Intersection of Design Education and Industry
Alexandra Singleton, Student, Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Queensland, Australia
Volumisation as a Methodology: Towards Innovation in 3D-printing and Graphic Design
Darius Ou, Graphic Designer, Studio Darius Ou, Singapore
Apple Philosophy 2.0: Using Service Design to Drive Service Quality Excellence at Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Cheyenne Lee, Manager, Quality Service Management (Patient Experience Design), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Siew Yong Loh, Assistant Director, Quality Service Management, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Central Singapore, Singapore
Investigating the Effectiveness and Learner’s Perception of Scenario Based Learning
Wei Xiu Sung, Lecturer, School of Applied Science, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore
Yin Ni Annie Ng, Senior Lecturer, SAS, Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore
Citizen Participation Design Innovation and Citizen Science Program for Solving Marine Litter Problem: Five Years Practice with Three Local Governments in Japan
Tomomi Sayuda, Research Associate , Institute of Industrial Science, DLX Design Lab, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Maximilian Fischer, Project Researcher , Institute of Industrial Science , The University of Tokyo , Japan
Fumitoshi Kato, Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan
Miles Pennington, Professor, DLX Design Lab, University of Tokyo, Japan
Navigating Design Education: Using Co-Design for Student Engagement and Inclusivity
Jessica Freire, Programme Leader, First Year Design, School of Design Innovation, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Evaluation of Arrangement of Sign Systems to Enhance Wayfinding in Complex Spaces
Eunkil Cho, Assistant Professor, Department of Interior Design, Hoseo University, Chungcheongnamdo [Ch'ungch'ongnam-do], South Korea
Yonghyeon Park, Student, Bachelor of Arts(Interior Design), Hoseo University, Chungcheongnamdo [Ch'ungch'ongnam-do], South Korea
Shaping Place Identity with Storytelling
Christabel Teng, Vice Dean, Faculty of Art and Design, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts - University of the Arts Singapore, Central Singapore, Singapore
Augmented Environmental Graphics in Healthcare
Aprille Chua, Design Lecturer, Design Communication, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Central Singapore, Singapore
Exploring Future Scenarios of Sustainable Food Design: Simulating Dietary Lifestyles through Serious Tabletop Game
You Qin Fang, Student, Master, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Moving Risk Assessment Upstream to the Design Phase
Georgi Popov, Department Chair, Professor, Occupational Risk and Safety Science, University of Central Missouri, Missouri, United States
Teaching Sustainability: A Systems Thinking Perspective
Marta Alexandra Godinho Miguel, Senior Academic Mentor, School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Rachna Johri, Deputy Director, Learning Academy, Temasek Polytechic, North East, Singapore
Massaging the Margins through Found Poetry
Teng Hong Lim, Lecturer, School of Design Communication , LASALLE College of The Arts, Singapore
Joanne Pang, Lecturer, School of Design Communication, LASALLE COLLEGE OF THE ARTS, UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE, Singapore
Design Anthropology Workshop: Critical Craft Futures
Martin Bonney, Student, PhD Candidate, Royal College of Art, London, City of, United Kingdom
Plenary Session and Discussion with Nur Hidayah Bte Abu Bakar
"Designing Citizen Designers - An exploration of learning design for tomorrow"
Transition Break
Cultural Considerations
Case Study for Fashion Design Education: Fashion as Media for the Transmission of Cultural Heritage
Hiu Cheng, Assistant Professor, Design and Architecture, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
On the Representation of Women’s Clothing Depicted by Taiwanese Painters Under the Influence of the Social Trend of Japanese Taisho Culture
Shu-fang Huang, Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Design and Management, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan
An Intricate Study of the Cultural Artefacts and Associated Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Raj Gonds of Telangana
Krishna Trivedi, Student, PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Deepak John Mathew, Professor, Design, IITHyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Pursuit of Happiness in Chennai: Designing an Intervention to Promote Happiness and Wellbeing among Young Adults
Shwetha Raja, Student, Masters, LASALLE College of Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Designing Livelihoods Through Tradition: An Ethnographic Study of Women Artisans in Rural Gujarat
Pragya Sachdeva, Assistant Professor, Fashion Design and Research, United World Institute of Design(UID), NCR, Delhi, India
The Hidden World of Visual Narcoculture: The Branding of Mexican Cartels
David Gardener, Student, Assistant Professor in Graphic Design, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Contested Memorial/Memory Landscapes: Redesigning Public Space for Improved Inclusion
Matthew Rofe, Research Degree Coordinator, UniSA Creative, The University of South Australia, South Australia, Australia
Design for Social Innovation Narratives: From “Smart Cities” to ” Art Cities
Marcos Barbato, Professor, Communications / Media Studies, Pontificia Universidade Catholic Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Antonio Gorgel Pinto, Professor and Researcher, Design, IADE, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, Portugal
Course Design for Peace: A Graphic Design Approach to Peaceful Societies
Sheeraz Wania, Professor, School of Design, George Brown College - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Making History: Teaching Historical Research Methods in a Graphic Design Studio Course
Aggie Toppins, Associate Professor and Chair, Design, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Tracking Pluriversal Design Pedagogy: A Longitudinal Study of an Intercultural Design Course
Rebecca Nally, Associate Lecturer, School of Design, RMIT University, VIC, Australia
Regine Abos, Program Coordinator, Bachelor of Design in Communication Design, Communication Design, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Victoria, Australia
Osmotic Sensoria - a Neurodiverse Learning Space : Cognitive Flexibility through Guided Play
Niberca Gissell Polo, Part-Time Associate Teaching Professor, Parsons, School of Design. First Year Program, The New School University, New York, United States
Models and Methods
Intuitive Insights or Acquired Training: Understanding Design Students' Perception of Community-Oriented Spaces
Milagros Zingoni, Director, School of Interior Architecture, University of Tennessee, Tennessee, United States
Abbie Simon, Student, Interior Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
Exploring the Impact of Localized Exhibitions on Visitor Experience and Knowledge Dissemination: A Case Study of "Searching for the Sustainable Forest"
Shi Liang Chang, Student, Graduate School of Design, Master & Doctoral Program, national yunlin university of science and technology, Taiwan, Taiwan
Wen Huei Chou, Professor, Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Research on Reminiscence Therapy Game Design
Wen Huei Chou, Professor, Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Shih Ping Chiu, Student, Bachelor , National Yunlin University of Science and Technology , Yunlin, Taiwan
Yichun Li, Lecturer, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Ya ling Ko, Student, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Exploring the Effectiveness of Course Design Based on Cooperative Learning and Peer Feedback in Fostering Students’ Innovative Thinking and Critical Thinking Skills : A Case Study of a Design Methods and Creative Thinking Course
Ya ling Ko, Student, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Wen Huei Chou, Professor, Digital Media Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan
Critical Reflections
The Impact of Multidisciplinary Curriculum on Design Students
Ipek Kastas-Uzun, Assistant Professor, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Izmir University of Economics, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Izmir, Turkey
From Archetype to Algorithm: Utilising AI to Modernise Consumer Personas in Design Education
David Lee, Lecturer, School of Design Communication, Faculty of Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
Joselyn Sim, Programme Leader, MA Design, School of Design Communication, Faculty of Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
Designed BY not Designed for: (dis)Ability Design Studio
Deana McDonagh, Director of the (dis)Ability Design Studio, Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Illinois, United States
Eunmi Moon, Student, Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
The Influence of Housing Values on the Design of Built Environment in Kuwait
Ahmad E. Alansari, Associate Professor, Department of Interior Design, College of Basic Education, Kuwait, Kuwait
Alnajadah Ali
Resilient Architectural Education: Integrating Design Management and Community Engagement in Southern Taiwan
I Hsuan Wang, Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Classifying Usability Testing Methods: A Comparative Study of Real Apps and Prototype Versions
Putu Dhanu Driya, Lecturer, Information System Department, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
I Made Ardwi Pradnyana, Lecturer, Information System, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
Putu Yudia Pratiwi, Lecturer, Information System, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
Gede Rasben Dantes, Lecturer, Information System, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Bali, Indonesia
Co-design is Key to Understanding People in Holistic, Human-centred Design Settings
Erica Mason, Lecturer for Graphic Design and Academic Chair for Design Thinking, School of Media and Communication, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia
Eko Pam, Lecturer Graphic Design and Design Thinking, School of Media and Communication, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia
Digital Shifts
The Art Style of Game Character and Environment in Thai Video Games
Nathee Monthonwit, Lecturers, Faculty of Architecture and Design / Digital Media Design, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
The Rise of the Social Media Siren : investigating TikTok's influence on the Design and Construct of Singaporean Female Identity
Joselyn Sim, Programme Leader, MA Design, School of Design Communication, Faculty of Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
Exploring Empathy and Emotional Response to Historical Studies through Virtual Reality: A Perspective-Taking Process
SIU Kiu San John, Lecturer, Department of Creative Arts, School of Arts & Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
Designing Child-friendly Data Collection Tools
Ganna Borzenkova, Research Fellow, Design, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
Conference Dinner: SIRI House (New Location) - The bus from LASALLE departs at 6:30PM.
Not Included in the Registration Rate. Please Book via "Special Events" Tab.
Online Only Workshop "The Forest of Branching Futures"
Visualising Pluriversal Futures with Woodland Metaphors from Speculative Fantasy
The Forest of Branching Futures: Visualising Pluriversal Futures with Woodland Metaphors from Speculative Fantasy
Craig Jeffcott, Student, PhD, IADE, Lisboa, Portugal
Online Only Talking Circle
Live - Online Only
Conference Registration Desk Open
LASALLE College of the Arts, 1 McNally St, Singapore, 187940 - (Building F, Level 2)
Plenary Session and Discussion with Wendy Chua
"Hanging out on floating fisheries and at kopitiams: design anthropology in interdisciplinary practices"
Coffee Break
Case Study "Empathy In Action"
(Please make sure to Sign-up for the Case Study at the desk on the first day of the conference.)
Publishing Opportunities and Collaboration with Common Ground Research Networks discussion with Chief Social Scientist
New Media, Ethics, and Traditional Design : Digital Aesthetics in Islamic Societies or Communities
Nasya Bahfen, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University, Australia
Rajoanna Karim Mowly, post grade student , School of Humanities and Social Sciences, La trobe University , Victoria, Australia
Abdulmajeed Alomayri, Student, PhD, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
Eman Alkhomees, Student, PhD candidate, La Trobe, Victoria, Australia
Signs of Decolonization: Processes for Change Making by Brave and Kind Designers
Susan Mavor, Owner/Founder/Principal, Environmental Graphic Design, Lost & Found Design, British Columbia, Canada
Solarpunk: Designing a Better Tomorrow?
Juliette Mac Donald, Chair Craft History and Theory, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Design Thinking in Creative Cutting to Reduce Waste and Increase Usability
Simrita Dass, Founder and Designer, Design, ONE.O, Delhi, India
Lunch (Level B1)
(Click to see the Menu)
Problems and Solutions
Questions on Redesigning the Plastic Condition
Joel Gn, Lecturer, School of Spatial and Product Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Low-Cost Digitalization for Sustainable Energy Management: A Hybrid Approach for Predicting Occupant Energy Consumption in Different Indoor Layout Configurations
Mohammad Nyme Uddin, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Building and Real Estate (BRE), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Xue Cui
Xuange Zhang
Minhyun Lee
Proposing Indonesian Comic Ecosystem-making through Systemic Design: A Social Innovation through Artist-led Co-design
Gideon Hutapea, Assistant professor, Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia
Designing Inconspicuous Social Inclusion at the Neighbourhood Level: Findings from a Pilot Programme
Justin Lee, Senior Research Fellow, Policy Lab, Institute of Policy Studies, NUS, Central Singapore, Singapore
Aishwarya Kunte, Research Assistant, Policy Lab, Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore
A Study of Increasing Young Adult Civic Participation in Local Elections through Social Political Roleplaying: An Interactive Game Development, Denizen
EunSook Kwon, Chair and Professor, School of Industrial Design, Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia, United States
Chae Eun Park, Student, Master's of Industrial Design, Georgia Institute of Technology, Virginia, United States
Designing for Disaster: Designing Adaptable Furniture that Aids People During Floods
Sukriti Singh, Student, MA Design, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Curriculum and Instruction
Complicating the Connections Between Design Curriculum and Sustainable Development
Emma Mills, Lecturer, School of Art and Design, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, University of New South Wales, New South Wales, Australia
Katherine Moline, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Art and Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Plurality and Interdisciplinarity in Visual Design Education: Case Studies from Spain and the United States
Amir Attia, Associate Professor, School of Computing and Design - Communication Design Program, California State University - Monterey Bay, California, United States
Grazielle Bruscato Portella, Assistant Professor, Design, IE University, School of Architecture and Design, Spain
Sense of Place: A Pedagogical Framework to Align Personal Narrative for Collective Impact
Emily Tsiang, Associate Arts Professor, Program on Creativity and Innovation, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Creative Practices
Designing Eco-print Products to Implement Socio-Creativepreneurship: A Case Study in a Community of Blitar District, East-Java
Listia Natadjaja, Head of Department, Visual Communication Design, Associate Professor, Visual Communication Design, Petra Christian University, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Materials Design : Between Materials Engineering and Product Design
Karol Murlak, Professor, Design Department, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, United States
Refresh : Workspace Environment
Anjali Saini, Co Founder and Principal Designer, Interior Designer, Grayed Studio By Anjali Saini and Ar. Abhinav Krishnia , Rajasthan, India
Educational Insights
Design Being: Towards an Embodied Perspective of Design Education
Timothy Wee, Student, MA Arts Pedagogy and Practice, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Equity-Centered Design Thinking Approach to Transforming Education Systems and Policies
Akhil Babu, Senior Design Researcher, Infrastructure, IBM, Karnataka, India
Stories from Our Wardrobe: Developing 21st Century Competencies through Storytelling, Zines and Exhibition Making
Pixie Tan, Lecturer, School of Fashion, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
MAPArts: Memory Enhanced by Art and Design
Elaine Brodie, Professor, Faculty of Animation, Art & Design, Sheridan College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ontario, Canada
Augmenting Engagement
Public Health Murals as Practice Based Learning: Design Makes a Positive Impact on Women's Health in Malawi
Martha Sullivan, Associate Professor of Practice and Chair of Industrial Design, Industrial Design, Virginia Tech, Virginia, United States
Jonas Nyasulu, Student, BA in Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Malawi
Anastasia Mwamadi, Female class representative , Department of Bingu Culture and Heritage, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Blantyre, Malawi
Victor Kamwendo
Precious Mbeya, Student, Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) Under BISCH , Malawi University of Science and Technology , Malawi
Edgar Mbalame
Alexander Helden, Student, Art, Malawi University of science and technology , Nkhata Bay, Malawi
Clemence Ngwale, Lecturer, Department of Indigenous knowledge and Systems and Practice, Malawi University of Science and Technology, Thyolo, Malawi
Crossing the Bridge between the Realms of Innovation Ecosystems and Design Thinking – Driving the Value Co-Creation Tracks : A Literature Review
Tomi Paalosmaa, Senior Specialist, Project Manager and Doctoral Researcher, Design Cetre MUOVA | Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK), Länsi-Suomen lääni, Finland
The Impact of the Empathic User Experience Research Process on Design Students’ Empathy and Communication Skills
Eunmi Moon, Student, Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States
Yoosun Kim, Professor, Environmental Design & Horticulture/ Integrated Arts, SAHMYOOK UNIVERSITY, South Korea
Jungmi Kim, Professor, Early Childhood Education, Sahmyook University, South Korea
Deana McDonagh, Director of the (dis)Ability Design Studio, Beckman Institute of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, Illinois, United States
Transition Break
Creativity and Curiosity
Fostering Curiosity Through Elaborate Visual Narrative for Children
Shruti Soharia Singh, Assistant Professor, Fashion Communication, National Institute Of Fashion Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ranganath M Singari
Lalit K. Das, Industrial Design Center, I.I.T. Bombay
Y2K Aesthetics and Its Influence on Singaporean Punk Zines of the 1990s to Early 2000s
Ginette Chittick, Programme Leader, Dip. Creative Direction for Fashion, School of Fashion, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Exploring Dynamic Morphologies: Structural Transitions of Bamboo Weaving in 3D Forms
Felnunmoi Gangte, Student, PhD, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Avinash Shende, Associate Professor, IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay, Maharashtra, India
Extending Our Reach
Beyond Human Knowledge Exchange
Carla Paoliello De Lucena Carvalho, Invited Assistant Professor, Product Design, FBAUL , Lisboa, Portugal
Andrea Bandoni, PhD Researcher, Product Design, University of Lisbon, Fine Arts Faculty, Brazil
Potential Use of Virtual Reality Created Forms as Initial Input for Conceptual Form Development in Building Information Modelling
Juniarto Hadiatmadja, Lecturer, School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Traditional Knowledge and Ecological Practices in Design Education
Ana Thudichum Vasconcelos, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas Artes, Portugal
Carla Paoliello De Lucena Carvalho, Invited Assistant Professor, Product Design, FBAUL , Lisboa, Portugal
Preparing for the Future
Navigating the Transient Economy: Speculative Futures of Design Education
Rand Ang, Lecturer, School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Towards a Measurement Instrument for Transdisciplinary Thinking in Singapore Tertiary Students
Clarice Sim, Teaching & Learning Mentor, Media, Arts, and Design School, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Mark Lu, Director, Media, Arts & Design School, SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC, Central Singapore, Singapore
Educator Perspectives on Teaching Design Thinking
Jo Li Tay, Senior Lecturer, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia
Monika Lukowska, Lecturer, School of Design and Built Environment , Curtin University, Australia
The Aesthetics of Immersion - Towards a Visual Design Lexicon for Emerging Spatial User Interfaces: Perspectives from Research and Teaching Explorations
Gabriel Lipkowitz, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design, National University of Singapore, South West, Singapore
Enhancing Romantic Relationships Through Design Thinking: A Design Innovation Toolkit Approach
Nicholas Teo, Lecturer, School of Design Communication, LASALLE College of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Modern Mythos - Heritage Meets Hypertech AI: Exploring Batak Ritual Masks
Jaygo Bloom, Program Leader, Diploma in Design for Communication and Experiences, School of Design Communication, LASALLE. University of the Arts, Central Singapore, Singapore
Designing Phygital Twin Artifacts in Healthcare
Angela Giambattista, Research Fellow and Assistant Professor, Department of Planning, Design,Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Teodora Ivkov, Student, PhD, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Loredana Di Lucchio, PhD, Full Professor in Design, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Planning, Design, Technology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Filtering the Microworld: Visualising Sea Sponges through Microscopy and Machine Learning
Shu Min Lim, Lecturer, LASALLE College of the Arts, University of the Arts Singapore, Singapore
Re-defining Belonging: Sensory-friendly Furniture Design For Neurodiverse Inclusion Aid
Arundhathi Madanan, Student, MA Design, Lasalle College of Arts, South East, Singapore
Exploring Complex Concepts
The Design Landscape Framework for Product Design Education in Singapore: A Blueprint for Developing Skills, Mindsets, and Creative Excellence
Ameer Alrasyeed Ramdan, Lecturer, Product Experience and Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore
Innovation and Creativity of Sustainable Interior-Product Design : Bridging The Gap of Design Theory and Industrial Practice Contextual in Indonesia
Yusita Kusumarini, Head of Research and Community Service Institute, Petra Christian University, Petra Christian University, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Teaching Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities
Rachna Johri, Deputy Director, Learning Academy, Temasek Polytechic, North East, Singapore
Marta Alexandra Godinho Miguel, Senior Academic Mentor, School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic, North East, Singapore